Camp Whispering Winds—Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington’s property located in Philomath, Oregon—will be opened up for summer camping and event use by Girl Scout troops and groups, Juliettes, and service units beginning with the 2024 season.
Camp Whispering Winds will no longer host an overnight camp program. Girl Scouts looking for overnight camp magic will still find it at Camp Arrowhead in the Columbia River Gorge and Camp Cleawox on the Oregon Coast!
Summer 2024 reservations for Whispering Winds will open for service units this winter and for troop, group, and Juliette camping this spring. For more information about the property reservation process, visit girlscoutsosw.org/properties.
Curious about what to expect at Camp Whispering Winds? Find out more in our Property Guide (PDF).
VIEW THE GUIDEThe camp was purchased from the Willis L. Woods family in 1959. In 1960, a contest was held to give this camp a name. Linda Allen, with her entry, “Whispering Winds,” was awarded the winner at the dedication ceremony on May 1, 1960. Construction was completed in the mid-1960s, and many of the structures, with renovations, remain today.
Did you know that your troop or group can use GSOSW properties year-round? Learn more about renting a GSOSW property.