Volunteer Awards

This award recognizes those volunteers who have contributed outstanding service while partnering directly with girls in any pathway to implement the Girl Scout Leadership Experience through the use of the national portfolio or who have contributed outstanding service in support of the council’s mission delivery to girl and adult members.

Criteria (developed by GSUSA): 

  1. The candidate is an active, registered adult Girl Scout. 
  2. The candidate has successfully completed a term of service and all requirements for the position.
  3. The candidate has performed beyond expectations for the position to deliver the Girl Scout Leadership Experience to girls using the nation program portfolio, OR
  4. The candidate’s performance has been beyond the expectations of the position and has supported council’s mission delivery goals in one or more of the following functional areas: Membership Development/Community Cultivation, Volunteer Relations and Support, Program, Leadership and Governance, Fund Development, and Council Support Service (such as IT, Customer Service, Merchandising, MarComm).
  5. The candidate actively recognizes, understands, and practices the values of inclusive behavior.

Submit two (2) letters of endorsement.

NEW! Download the  National Volunteer Award Endorsement Letter Template to get a head start on your nominations. (Note: This Word document will download automatically. You may edit it using Word, Google Docs, or another compatible program.)

This recognition may be awarded multiple times in subsequent years, but it must be for different accomplishments or acts of service.

This award recognizes an adult member who delivered outstanding service to at least one geographic area, service unit or program delivery audience.

Criteria (developed by GSUSA):

  1. The candidate is a registered Girl Scout adult volunteer or staff member.
  2. The candidate has provided outstanding service to a geographic area or program delivery audience in a way that furthers the council’s goals.
  3. The service goes beyond the expectations for the position.

Submit two (2) letters of endorsement.

NEW! Download the  National Volunteer Award Endorsement Letter Template to get a head start on your nominations. (Note: This Word document will download automatically. You may edit it using Word, Google Docs, or another compatible program.)

This recognition may be awarded multiple times in subsequent years, but it must be for different accomplishments or acts of service.

This award recognizes an adult member who has delivered outstanding service to two or more geographic areas or program delivery audiences.

Criteria (developed by GSUSA):

  1. The candidate is a registered Girl Scout adult volunteer or staff member.
  2. The candidate has provided outstanding service to two or more geographic areas or program delivery audiences in a way that furthers the council’s goals.
  3. The service goes beyond the expectations for the position.

Submit three (3) letters of endorsement.

NEW! Download the  National Volunteer Award Endorsement Letter Template to get a head start on your nominations. (Note: This Word document will download automatically. You may edit it using Word, Google Docs, or another compatible program.)

This recognition may be awarded multiple times in subsequent years, but it must be for different accomplishments or acts of service.

This award recognizes an adult member whose performance is truly outstanding and benefits the total Girl Scout council or the entire Girl Scout Movement.

Criteria (developed by GSUSA): 

  1. The candidate is a registered Girl Scout adult volunteer or staff member.
  2. The candidate has provided outstanding service that benefits the total council or the entire Girl Scout organization.
  3. The service is so significantly beyond expectations that no other award is appropriate.

Submit four (4) letters of endorsement.

NEW! Download the  National Volunteer Award Endorsement Letter Template to get a head start on your nominations. (Note: This Word document will download automatically. You may edit it using Word, Google Docs, or another compatible program.)

This recognition may only be awarded once. To honor the candidate again, see below for Thanks Badge II.

This award recognizes an adult member who has already received the Thanks Badge and who has continued to contribute in extraordinary ways that benefit the total council or the entire Girl Scout organization.

Criteria (developed by GSUSA):

  1. The candidate is a registered Girl Scout adult volunteer or staff member.
  2. The candidate has received the Thanks Badge.
  3. Since receipt of the Thanks Badge, the candidate has provided distinguished service by continuing to perform at the same high level for an extended period of time, OR increasing their sphere of influence, OR using their skills and talents to move into other fields of endeavor.
  4. The service benefits the total council or the entire Girl Scout organization.
  5. The service is outstanding and is so significantly beyond expectations that no other award is appropriate.

Submit four (4) letters of endorsement.

NEW! Download the  National Volunteer Award Endorsement Letter Template to get a head start on your nominations. (Note: This Word document will download automatically. You may edit it using Word, Google Docs, or another compatible program.)

This recognition may only be awarded to an individual once.

This patch recognizes the service of a volunteer who is new to Girl Scouts and has hit the ground running. This adult volunteer has been with Girl Scouts for a short time but has made a big impact on their Juliettes/troop/group or service unit, fully embraced the Girl Scout movement with energy and passion, and has performed outstanding work within their first two years.

Has volunteered for fewer than 2 years.

This pin recognizes a volunteer who reaches beyond their primary role and provides continuing support to other volunteer(s) or Girl Scouts. This leader inspires those around them and is a guiding example of an ideal Girl Scout volunteer.

Has volunteered for more than 2 years.

This pin recognizes a volunteer who provides learning opportunities for girls and/or adults in Girl Scouts. In the learning environment, the candidate promotes the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) principles while displaying exceptional creativity, enthusiasm, leadership, and communication. This volunteer does not have to be a member of the GSOSW Trainer Corps.

This patch recognizes a volunteer who promotes and champions outdoor skill progression in Girl Scouts. This volunteer shares their passion and knowledge of the outdoors with girls and/or volunteers to elevate their awareness and the value of their outdoor experiences.

Volunteer has completed Outdoor Skills Training.

This pin recognizes a volunteer who has completed the required training for a troop or group setting. The volunteer must have completed the following trainings:

  1. Leader Orientation* as provided by the Service Unit (*required for those who are in the Troop Leader position only. )
  2. Grade Level Training – previously in-person and/or currently online.
  3. Girl Scouts Inside and Out, Parts 1 and 2 – previously known as Day Trips and Indoor Overnights, which both qualify. More seasoned volunteers may have other training(s) by different names that meet the same training criteria. These will qualify.

This recognition was previously sponsored by GSUSA but was dropped many years ago. GSOSW is committed to continuing this tradition by recognizing those training hours completed by our volunteers, who are committed to the leadership development of our girls.

This certificate recognizes outstanding contributions of time, location, and/or services to local Girl Scout troops/groups by an individual or business. This recognition is presented in the form of a certificate and can be awarded year after year for continued support. If you wish to recognize an individual or business for multiple years of service, you may indicate the number of years next to their name, and the certificate will be customized. 

The years of membership numeral guard is earned for the combination of both girl and adult years as a member of Girl Scouts, awarded in five-year increments. The pin is a number linked by a chain that can be attached to the Girl Scout membership pin. This optional pin can be purchased at any time, however the council provides Years of Membership recognition pins starting with 20 years at no cost. Please contact your service unit manager if you would like a 20+ year pin for yourself or another volunteer to be included on their annual #505 order form in the spring.

Please note that service units are responsible for maintaining membership records for their volunteers.

Girl Scouts of the USA offers recognition to registered adult members for years they have served as an active adult volunteer in Girl Scouts, awarded in five-year increments. This pin differs from the membership numeral guard in that it represents the number of years an adult volunteer has actively provided service, whereas the numeral guard recognizes years of membership only. This optional pin can be purchased at any time, however, the council provides Years of Service recognition pins starting with 20 years at no cost. Please contact your service unit manager if you would like a 20+ year pin for yourself or another volunteer to be included on their annual #505 order form in the spring.

Please note that service units are responsible for maintaining service records for their volunteers.