For Cookie Sellers | Girl Scouts
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Girl Scout Cookie Program Resources: 9 Available
  1. Cookie season is about so much more than cookies! With every purchase Girl Scouts unbox the future and create a world envisioned uniquely by them. They learn the skills they need to succeed and build the future they dream of.
  2. ¡La temporada de galletas es mucho más que las galletas! Con cada compra, las Girl Scouts destapan el futuro y crean un mundo imaginado solo por ellas. Aprenden las habilidades necesarias para tener éxito y construir el futuro de sus sueños.
  3. View recognition options for cookie sellers this year and set your personal and troop goals for the Cookie Program!
  4. This resource provides links to training and resources for caregivers in using the Digital Cookie platform.
  5. Resources to help cookie sellers reach their goals!
  6. This document has all the info you need to connect to resources that will help you support a Girl Scout Juliette interested in participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Get access to the training you need for a successful Cookie Program!
  7. What cookies are available during this year's Girl Scout Cookie Program? This flyer highlights your options and shares details about each cookie variety.
  8. ABC Bakers guide to common food allergens.
  9. This insert is available for Girl Scouts who would like to promote gluten free cookie options during the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
girl scouts selling cookies
Program Credits

When you participate in the cookie program, you earn program credits that can help power your Girl Scout experience.

girl scout selling cookies with parent
Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin

Make Girl Scout Cookie season a family affair. Earning Cookie Entrepreneur Family pins makes spending time with family even sweeter.