Girl Scouts' birthday commemorates the day in 1912 when Juliette Gordon Low officially registered the organization's first 18 members in Savannah, Georgia. Girl Scout Week will be observed from March 9–15, 2025. Join us each day in celebrating our worldwide sisterhood. Download our Girl Scout Week calendar (PDF) to follow along with each day's themes!
Girl Scout Week is a time when we shout our Girl Scout pride from the rooftops! It’s also a time when many troops celebrate the connections between Girl Scouting and their faith, learn more about other faiths, and thank faith partners for their support throughout the year. Girls can join in the festivities on three specially designated dates (or a day of your choosing):
Girl Scout Sunday: Sunday, March 9, 2025
Girl Scout Jummah: Friday, March 14, 2025
Girl Scout Sabbath/Shabbat: Friday, March 14–Saturday, March 15, 2025
Whether they participate in a worship service, plan an activity before or after the service, or organize a service project, your girls can honor those meaningful connections in lots of ways! Check out these resources to help you plan, promote, and carry out your virtual or in-person event with your faith partner.